Dear FIRST Tech Challenge Community,
Throughout this season, the FIRST Indiana Robotics staff has been in conversation with coaches, event hosts, and volunteers regarding the competition format for FIRST Tech Challenge next season. Additionally, we asked for input from all of you with our end-of-season survey, and appreciate all of the feedback. Our priority is to provide the best experience possible for our student participants. We are excited to announce that for the 2023-2024 season, Indiana will return to Qualifying Tournaments!
We are still working through the details, but we can provide you with some important information:
- Teams will be guaranteed two opportunities to participate in Qualifying Tournaments; any unfilled spots will be offered to teams participating in their third (or more) event. The actual number of Qualifying Tournaments will be determined by registration numbers.
- Teams are encouraged to hold scrimmages outside of these QTs, and FIN will be happy to assist with publicity and access to FTC scoring to help facilitate these events.
- Indiana FTC QTs will be closed and only available to Indiana teams. We do not know how many teams we will be able to advance to Worlds next year, but with only 2 advancement spots currently, we want to ensure that those go to Indiana teams.
- A team is eligible to advance to the next competition tier (State) from one of the first three QTs they attend. (Scrimmages do not count toward this number)
- A team may participate in more than three QTs in the same competition tier but would not be eligible for awards or advancement at tournaments beyond their third.
- Teams advance to the next level of competition in the order indicated in the game manual and according to the number of spots available.
- Teams advance from the State Championship Tournament to the FIRST Tech Challenge World Championship in Houston.
Is your team or organization interested in hosting a 24-team Qualifying Tournament? We are accepting applications for hosts! You can apply by filling out this form:
Please reach out to me with any questions at:
Trisha Thompson
FIRST Tech Challenge Program Manager
FIRST Indiana Robotics