Upcoming Events
November 2: Superior STEAM Scrimmage
November 9: Kokomo QT
Event Readiness
Update Your Coach/Mentor Roster: FIRST requires that all teams have 2 coaches cleared through YPP and that team members are registered in the FIRST dashboard. You will be required to bring a printed copy of this roster with you to your qualifying tournament, it will be collected at team check-in.
You can add or remove individuals from your roster by clicking the “Contact Options” under the “Team Contacts/Roster” section of your team’s Dashboard. Read more about updating your team roster and the different roles.
If an additional coach/mentor participates in 30% or more of the team activities, or is regularly involved with the team, we recommend these individuals complete a FIRST® Youth Protection Screening.
Read more about the Youth Protection Program and share the Youth Protection Training Videos with all of your coaches and mentors.
Register Youth Team Members: The parent or guardian of every youth team member is required to complete the FIRST youth registration process for their participant before they may participate in any organized team activities. For instructions on the online youth team member registration process, visit the Youth Registration System Overview.
Express Enrollment: Coaches and mentors can take advantage of Express Enrollment. View Express Enrollment Coach/Mentor Instructions and the Express Enrollment Parent/Guardian Instructions. Have questions? Check out our FAQ or contact FIRST Support.
SUBMERGED Challenge Updates and Clarifications
New challenge updates were posted on October 1. Be sure to check the Challenge Updates and Clarifications document throughout the season.
Save the Date: Spring Fling
We are happy to announce that FIRST Indiana Robotics will be hosting our Spring Fling again on Saturday, April 4, 2025 at Center Grove High School.
This is a non-advancing FLL Challenge event, and a great opportunity for teams who are unable to compete in the fall to get some competition experience.
This event is held in conjunction with our FIRST Robotics Competition State Championship, so the students will be able to check out the big bots while they’re there!
DonorsChoose: New Funding Campaign, Now Available
Through the generous support from 3M, FIRST related DonorsChoose project funding is now available to any US-based full-time educators and school district employees who work directly with students at least 75% of the time from Public Schools, Public Charter Schools, Head Start Centers, and Bureau of Indian Education Schools.
FIRST Educators will create a project on DonorsChoose and once the project is live, they must complete this form to be considered for this selective funding opportunity. Projects will be reviewed to ensure they meet donor intent and partial funding will be allocated accordingly. Equity Focus Projects will be prioritized as part of 3M’s commitment to reach 5 million underserved/underrepresented students by 2025. Visit this page to learn more about this opportunity!