36 Days Until Kickoff!
Reminder about Short Surveys – We know surveys are time-consuming and sometimes not fun to do. We don’t want teams to have to sit and fill out a lengthy survey at their first event before checking in.
We have provided a series of short surveys for you to take once a month. Below are links to the previous surveys. Make sure to complete each month’s survey.
I will send a direct email during build season, letting coaches know which surveys still need to be completed.
By the way–a student team member could complete this, an assistant coach, a parent, etc. We just need each team to complete each short survey. Thanks!
Here are the links to the previous surveys:
Coaches Call – December 13th – Mark Your Calendars!
There will be an FRC Coaches call on Tuesday, December 13th at 7PM Eastern Time.
Topics – Kickoff / Proxy Letters – Youth Registration – Awards Submissions – Q&A
Who can attend this call – Coaches, parents, students…anyone tied to a team!
Be prepared to share a success your team has had this year. (recruiting, off-season success, fundraising, etc.)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Open! Award Submissions:
The 2023 FIRST® Impact Award, Dean’s List Award, and Woodie Flowers Award application portals opened Thursday, November 3, at 12 p.m. Eastern Time.
The Woodie Flowers Award and the Dean’s List Award applications will close on Thursday, February 9, 2023. The FIRST Impact Award application will close on Thursday, February 16, 2023.
Please note:
- For the FIRST Impact Award & Woodie Flowers Award, a student can only be assigned as an award submitter if their parent/guardian has signed the Consent & Release Form.
- Lead mentors 1 and 2 are now able to submit for the FIRST Impact Award. While we are allowing this option, we still strongly encourage this submission to be made by students.
- Students must have a signed 2023 FIRST Consent & Release form to be nominated and interviewed for the Dean’s List Award.
Find more information, including steps to designate an award submitter, on the Awards page and our Helpful Tips for Award Submissions page.
AndyMark / FIN Video Challenge Update
We had several submissions for our Video Challenge. The judges are judging and the tabulations are being tabulated!
The videos will go live on the FIN YouTube Channel Friday, December 2nd.
The winners will be announced during our live stream at the FLL State Championship on Saturday, December 10th. We will announce those during the closing ceremonies.
We will also post the winners on our social media accounts.
December 2nd – Videos Uploaded to FIN YouTube Channel
December 10th – Winners announced at FLL State Championship
All prizes are AndyMark credit.
- 1st Place – $1,000 (1)
- 2nd Place – $600 (2)
- 3rd Place – $400 (3)
Email for submissions- videocontest@andymark.com
FIRST Day at the Statehouse – Advocacy
Sign up to attend FIRST Robotics Day at the Indiana Statehouse. We will be at the statehouse on Wednesday, February FIRST, 2023.
Fill out the form here –https://forms.gle/37kabMnK4d7SBpKV9
This is an amazing outreach opportunity to help FIN secure grant funding for the growth of FIRST in Indiana. We need teams from all levels of FIRST. There will be training ahead of time, and teams will organize meetings with their legislators for that day.
Questions- Chris Osborne – cosborne@firstindianarobotics.org
A Kid Again – Bring Joy to Others!
A Kid Again is a children’s charity that provides cost-free and recurring events for children with life-threatening conditions.
On Sunday, December 11th at the State Fairgrounds from 4-8 PM they are having a Holiday Party. This would be a terrific opportunity to do some robot demos, let kids drive robots, etc.
Please Contact Amy Przybylinski (FIRST ALUM! and Purdue Grad!) if your team is interested and can help bring some joy to these children and their families.
amyp@akidagain.org – 317-759-7025
Scholarship Portal Open – Find your senior’s money for school!
The FIRST Scholarship portal opened on September 1st at Noon. Please share with your students.
Are your students on Tallo? This FREE-to-use platform allows students to create a resume that includes opportunities to earn badges (FIRST participation), search for scholarships, and connect with internship opportunities and universities.
Have your students start their profile today at www.tallo.com/first – this platform is open to any Indiana student for free, thanks to a grant from Ivy Tech.
Students can sign up as young as 13. This is NOT a social media platform. There is no cross-communication between students. However, they can connect with universities, trade schools, employers, etc.
Solidworks Training – Get your team ready!
Take advantage of Solidworks Training! Lessons include:
- SOLIDWORKS Basics & the User Interface
- Introduction to Sketching
- Basic Part Modeling
- Patterning
- Revolved Features
- Using Drawings
- Bottom-Up Assembly Modeling
- Using Assemblies
The Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship Program is now open, and this life-changing opportunity will last a lifetime! The Program awards 400 high school seniors who are planning to pursue an undergraduate degree in engineering or computer science with a $40,000 scholarship for college, plus a guaranteed paid internship at Amazon. Applications are open until January 20, 2023. Learn how to apply.
2023 Season Updates
Don’t miss this FIRST® Robotics Competition Blog with updates about this season, including an update to the bumper rules.
We have a blog! – Share with your students, parents, and community!
We have started to recreate these emails as blog posts. If your team uses Slack, Discord, etc., you can create a channel that automatically will see updates to our blog by subscribing via RSS feed.
You will now be able to share our updates with your students easily, parents, administrators, and other mentors without them having to subscribe to our emails.
Here’s how:
Discord – Use an app like MonitoRSS
2023 FIRST Championship Team Housing
We are proud to partner with ConferenceDirect as the only approved Official Housing Provider for the 2023 FIRST Championship event. Team Housing for the event is opening soon. Sign up to receive a notification or visit www.firstinspires.org/housing-travel for more details.
FIRST® Mentor Network sponsored by NI
Whether you’re a new or returning FIRST team this season, the FIRST Mentor Network can help you find mentors who have the skillset and expertise in fundraising, branding, robot-building, meeting organization, and other additional needs. Check it out and start strengthening team skills today!
Subscribe to the FRC Calendar on our FIN Google Calendar
Don’t miss any important deadlines!!
Do you need all the dates related to FRC events, award submissions, deadlines, etc. in one place? Now you can have it!