About the board
The FIRST Indiana Robotics Student Board of Directors is made up of student representatives from all across the state who create, support, and participate in a variety of community initiatives. The board is established to allow students to have a voice in the initiatives and decisions that would directly impact the state’s youth. These students also take part in additional leadership training and networking opportunities that will strengthen their resumes.
Initiatives include:
- Statewide advocacy efforts to have the state legislature help increase access to FIRST for all Hoosier children through coach stipends and registration assistance.
- Mental wellness activities include handing out information at FIRST events about suicide prevention and mental wellness.
- Volunteering at cross-program events to promote all levels of FIRST.
For more information about the board, please get in touch with Chris Osborne – at cosborne@firstindianarobotics.org or reach out to the council itself at studentbod@firstindianarobotics.org
Candidate Requirements
A FIRST Indiana Robotics Student Board candidate must be a student who embraces the FIRST Core Values, is hardworking, and wants to make a difference in their community. Candidates must be rising 10th, 11th, or 12th-grade students and actively participating in one or multiple FIRST programs.
Student Board Expectations
The Student Board expects members to:
- Embody the FIRST Core Values
- Support their fellow council members and their initiatives
- Attend monthly meetings
- Lead at least one initiative
- Attend two FIN outreach events per year
- Attend one FIN fundraising event per year

FRC 3147 Munster Horsepower – Munster High School

Vice President FRC
FRC 868 TechHOUNDS – Carmel High School

Vice President FTC
FTC 21945 Purple Roborioles – Avon High School

FTC 21945 Purple Roborioles – Avon High School

FRC 5484 Career Academy Wolfpack – Career Academy, South Bend

FTC 17994 Ragnabotics – North Posey High School

FTC Avon High School

FRC 4926 GalacTech – Columbus Robotics

FRC 1741 Red Alert Robotics – Center Grove High School

FTC 21945 Purple Roborioles – Avon High School

FRC 1741 Red Alert Robotics – Center Grove High School

FRC 71 Team Hammond – School City of Hammond

FRC 3487 Red Pride Robotics – Plainfield High School

FRC 868 TechHOUNDS – Carmel High School

FRC 1747 Harrison Boiler Robotics – William Henry Harrison High School

FRC 461 Westside Boiler Invasion – West Lafayette Jr/Sr High School

FTC 19366 CTF – Superior STEAM 4H

FTC 8971 Green Machine – Greenwood High School

FRC 461 Westside Boiler Invasion – West Lafayette Jr/Sr High School

FRC 3176 Purple Precision – Brownsburg High School