5 Minute Video Contest
AndyMark, Inc. is partnering with FIRST Indiana Robotics (FIN) to conduct a contest among FIRST teams in Indiana to create informative, quick, five (5) minute videos. Prizes will be awarded to 6 entries. Indiana FLL, FTC and FRC teams are eligible for prizes, each being an AndyMark team sponsorship in the form of an AndyMark store credit.
The intent of this contest is to build a video library covering topics related to FIRST teams, such as how they are supported, how robots are successfully built, how students and mentors are most productive and supported, how teams impact their communities and schools, to name a few topics.
All teams providing video entry will be given AndyMark merchandise. (3 t-shirts per team, regardless of the # of video entries)
Awards Include
Best FLL video – This video is focused on an FLL team and/or program and is the most impactful, important, informative, or entertaining. Prize = $400 in AndyMark credit
Best technical advice – This video describes, informs or demonstrates an important technical topic within a FIRST program (FLL, FTC or FRC) to help other teams learn about this technical aspect of their program. Prize = $600 in AndyMark credit
Best team advice – This video describes, informs or demonstrates important aspects of starting or running a FIRST team (FLL, FTC or FRC) in a clear manner with lasting impact on the viewer.
Prize = $600 in AndyMark credit
Best video – This prize is this contests’ top award. This video is focused on any FIRST program and is the most impactful, important, informative, or entertaining. Prize = $1000 in AndyMark credit